Privacy Policy
Information on personal data processing
Decreto Legislativo N° 196 dd 30 Giugno 2003
(Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali)
Following Article 13 of Decreto Legislativo n° 196/03, we inform you that the personal data of customers , suppliers, employees and other persons who have voluntarily provided their private informations personally and / or through forms, phone , fax or e-mail to our offices, will be processed by OMI S.R.L. on the principles of fairness, transparency and protection of privacy and rights.
According to the indicated law (Articolo 2- finalità) , the Data Controller ensures that the processing of personal data will be processed respecting their rights and fundamental freedoms and dignity , particularly with regard to confidentiality, to personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.
In accordance with art .13 of the Code, OMI S.R.L. informs you that the provided data will be subject to the following treatment : collection, processing, ion, extraction, comparison, magnetic storage and not (but anyhow appropriate to ensure the security and confidentiality ) in order to build up an archive for the mailing of information on the activities and initiatives promoted by OMI S.R.L. , even by means of newsletters sent to the E-mail address you provided . Data will not be disclosed to other parties or diffused.
The conferment of data is required, in order to provide the required service and performances: any refusal to provide such data may lead to failure or a partial performance of service .
The processing of personal data takes place using both paper and computer supports with the observance of every precautionary measure to ensure the security and confidentiality . The data will be managed and protected in restricted access areas.
OMI S.R.L. also informs that that following art. 7 of Decreto Legislativo n° 196/2003 , the individual has the right to know, , correct or his personal data or to oppose the use of the same, if these are processed in violation of the law.
The Personal Data Controller is OMI S.R.L. , Via Buonarroti, 5 – Z. Ind. SIPRO 44020 S. Giovanni di Ostellato (FE). Staff from OMI S.R.L. in charge of the processing.
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